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Seminar Series

Interactive and Informative Seminars & Workshops

Enjoy a full day of FREE educational opportunities between 9.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Our seminar series is hosted by experienced, trusted experts, offering practical hands-on advice and handy tips.

All workshops are FREE and bookings are not required. Places are limited for workshops, so arrive early to secure your place. 

Dorothy Waide


Best selling author and one of New Zealand's leading sleep consultant's, understands it's ok to ask for help. With almost 30 years baby nursing and sleep-settling experience both in New Zealand and around the world. She believes nurture is central to giving babies the very best start in life and takes an holistic approach to her work. Dorothy is here to help and support families by sharing her knowledge and skills.

10.30am and 1.30pm Main Stage

Intuitive Baby Feeding

Baby and avo.jpg

Starting your baby on solids is an exciting time. Find out from Dr Lisa Daniels and Jennifer Douglas who are both Dietitians and experts in children's nutrition about starting solids, baby-led weaning, puree feeding, food allergy and listening to your babies cues on feeding. 

9.45am and 12.00pm - Seminar Room

Mindful Motherhood, Taking Care of your mental & emotional health


Becoming a Mother is physically, mentally and emotionally demanding. Sarah dives into why it's important to look after your mental and emotional health and gives you the tools, practices and knowledge to start optimising your mental health, today.

10.30am - 11am - Seminar Room

How to deal with stress and overwhelm as a first-time Mum. 

Being a new Mum is incredibly overwhelming, mentally, physically and emotionally. Learn how stress affects your body, how to reduce and eliminate stressors and take control of your mental and emotional health postpartum

12pm - 12.30pm - Main Stage

Mindful Motherhood - looking after your mental health postpartum.

Why it's important to take care of your mental and emotional health postpartum, normalising the conversation and starting the journey to optimise your mental health postpartum

12.45pm - 1.15pm - Seminar Room

Tools to optimise your mental health in Motherhood

A deep dive into simple, practical ways to optimise your mental health in Motherhood,no matter how full your life is.

Empower Me Fitness


Postnatal Exercise

A talk about when and how to start exercising after having a baby. You will learn about the changes to your core and pelvic floor from pregnancy/birth and how to safely and easily introduce more activity into your day to feel energised, strong and able to tackle busy (& often sleep deprived) mum life. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.

10.15am - Education Hub

Pregnancy Exercise

A talk about how exercise during pregnancy can help you fell more comfortable as your body changes, prepare your body for labour and birth and also reduce postnatal recovery time. You will learn what is safe to do throughout your pregnancy and understand when you may need to modify or stop certain activities/exercises. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.

1.45pm - Education Hub

Baby Wearing


In this workshop, you'll learn about the basics of babywearing including the various different types of carriers available for hire at the Otepoti Dunedin Carrier Library. We'll run through how to safely wear your child, the benefits of babywearing and demonstrate how to use a variety of carriers.

10.45am - Education Hub

HypnoBirthing® with Jessica from Omni Birth


HypnoBirthing® is an empowering antenatal class that provides expecting mothers and their birthing partners with a holistic approach to childbirth.

Come along and find out how simple yet effective breathing techniques, visualisation, self-hypnosis, and deep relaxation can help assist you in feeling calmer and confident, so you can achieve a positive birthing experience.

11.30am - Seminar Room


Image by Gabriel Crismariu

Nicky Grant from the Community Oral Health Service at the SDHB will be talking about teething, NZ’s free dental service for children and how to keep your child’s smile healthy and bright.

11.15am -  Main Stage

You have kids - they need food. Now what?


Come and have a chat with Skye Macfarlane aka Fred's Mum. Skye is a naturopath and medical herbalist that created Fred Fred Organics to sneak as much of the good stuff into small humans as possible. Skye will talk about the importance of food, things to try when starting solids and also some natural health tips for parents and children. 

11.15am -  Education Hub 

Up Lift

Pelvic Floor Wellness.

Pregnant Woman Practicing Yoga

Have you been dreading to sneeze, cough or laugh since becoming pregnant or having baby?

Have you noticed that something 'just doesn't feel right' down there and you're not sure what it is?

Do you have pain or stiffness in through your hips and back?

The answer is more than your body changes after you have a baby. This isn't normal. You can do something about this. Come along to this informative and entertaining talk about what is going on 'down there'.

Wellness starts from within.

11.45am - Education Hub

Importance of first aid knowledge & CPR on infants


At the 1 hour session we will briefly go into how to perform CPR on your infant if they are unresponsive and not breathing.

Our skilled instructor with demonstrate CPR technique on infants and she will also talk about the importance of having a basic knowledge of first aid when you start a family. How to deal with choking, when to recognise our child needs further medical attention.  So come along for this CPR demonstration and pick up some information on a first aid session for new parents.

12.45pm - Education Hub


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The Hub, Otago Polytechnic, Forth Street, Dunedin


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The Dunedin Wedding Expo 

2024 Postponed (new date TBC)

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