Dunedin is painting the town Ed over Easter weekend with a huge array of events and activities to keep the city humming. Check out some of fantastic things that are family friendly to explore below:
Thursday 29 March - Ed-uke-ate Dunedin
12.30 to 1.30pm
1000 kids with 1000 ukuleles take on the Octagon for an epic performance, wet weather venue Town Hall.

Friday 30 March - Friday Family Concert
5.00pm - 7.30pm
Lower Octagon
Family entertainment, food and great music to be held at this free family concert. Listen to one of Dunedin’s youngest singer songwriters Emily-Rose Young as she kicks off the night.
Saturday 31st March - Sounds Amazing!
10am - 4pm
Otago Museum Reserve
Join the Otago Museum team for a day of hands-on fun, explorations and scientific wonder!
You’ll see hourly explosions, get physical with the effects of gravity on the Space Camp bouncy castle, use your senses to explore sound amplitude in the OM Tech Tent, take a closer look at the sun with solar telescopes and much more.
Brought to you in association with Otago Museum
Wet weather venue, Hutton Theatre Otago Museum
Sunday 1 April - Sunday Sounds
1pm - 2.30pm
Dunedin Botanic Gardens
Dunedin Youth Orchestra performs a free concert at the Dunedin Botanic Gardens as part of Sunday Sounds Watch out for spontaneous, pop up entertainment in unexpected places!
Thursday 29 March - Monday 2 April - Autumn Lights
Thursday 5pm - 9pm | Friday 1pm - 5pm & 7pm - 10pm | Saturday - Monday 1pm - 5pm
The Athenaeum - 24 The Octagon
With over 100 stunning giant lanterns, the Dunedin Midwinter Carnival brings you this spectacular event with performers, music and special effects designed to dazzle and inspire all ages.
For more information and more Ed related events visit www.dunedinnz.com/ed/whats-on-in-the-city or check out the My Little Local App.
